Our Mission: We are a congregation that strives to share the love of God with those in the Pymatuning Valley and beyond.
2022 was a year of celebration. A banner proclaimed, "Celebrate With Us 190 Years". What an amazing feat! We set a goal of 190 Acts of Kindness, reminders of the good we can do through Christ. The list included feeding our neighbors, giving financial support to the needy, helping those afflicted by storms and making blankets and quilts for tiny preemies and aged veterans. Our furry friends benefitted by our financial support and loving kindness as well. We celebrated our history throughout the year. In 2023 we are ready to continue providing an extravagent welcome to all and by continuing and expanding our missions in the Andover area.

We are not the biggest, most powerful church in Andover, but with the limited resources we have, we truly open our doors to every member of this community. Since 2004, when the United Church of Christ adopted the slogan, "God is still speaking," the UCC has worked with thousands of UCC churches and individuals, across the country, to make religion relevant again and to extend an extravagant welcome to all people - "because no matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here."